Thalamic function in health and disease

The mission of our research is to understand the molecular, cellular, and circuit mechanisms underlying higher order cognitive processes.

While our projects start by focusing on basic science questions, in most cases, we will build on this foundation to determine how disease states alter neural mechanisms underlying cognition.

We are focused on understanding the mammalian thalamus, which is crucial for sensory processing and multi-sensory integration, and is in a powerful position to guide the entire cortex.

We use cutting-edge in vivo systems neuroscience techniques, computational modeling, and human organoids for our work.

Roy lab emphasizes collaborative efforts especially those combining experimental and computational directions, and is more broadly focused on a team-first approach to science.

Our lab welcomes diverse trainees and will be a very supportive environment for learning new research skills and developing a strong conceptual understanding necessary for your future success.

We are actively recruiting undergraduate and graduate students, research assistants, postdoctoral associates, and research scientists!

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